Parent FAQ
This FAQ is meant for parents of current students and answers some of the more common questions. Search the Handbook to find additional information or use the search to look for key words.
- My child is struggling in a course, what do I do?
- How do I check my child's grade?
- How do I contact a teacher?
- How do I get my child a tutor?
- How do I know if my child qualifies for academic services?
- How do I know who my child's school counselor is?
- How do I access my child's report card?
- What is the exam schedule ?
- What library resources are available?
- How do I see my child's course assignments?
- What if my child needs to reschedule an exam?
- How do I know if my child made honor roll or high honor roll?
- How do I sign my child up for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP?
- How do I see my child's test scores?
- When will my child get their schedule?
My child is struggling in a course, what do I do?
If your child is struggling in a course the first step is for your child to meet with the teacher. If your child has met with the teacher and is still struggling, your child should schedule a meeting with his or her counselor. While parents are always welcome to contact teachers, we feel that it is important for students to speak directly with teachers first.
How do I check my child's grade?
The PowerSchool Portal is the official grade of record. You can view this grade by logging into your child's portal. Although some teachers may enter and/or grade in Schoology, the official grade of record is in PowerSchool as PowerSchool is where student transcripts are generated and GPA is calculated. If you're having trouble logging into your child's portal please email Help Desk.
How do I contact a teacher?
Check our website's directory for teacher contact information.
How do I get my child a tutor?
The Hanover/Dresden volunteer coordinator can help find local student tutors, or you can contact one of the local tutoring services.
How do I know if my child qualifies for academic services?
There are many different types of supports available to students at Hanover High School; the best place to begin this conversation is with your child's counselor. You can find the name of your child's counselor in Parent Portal.
How do I know who my child's school counselor is?
Starting in 2017-18, there will be two school counselors dedicated to 9th & 10th graders and three school counselors dedicated to 11th & 12th graders. You can find the name of your child's school counselor in the portal.
How do I access my child's report card?
Hanover High School has an electronic report card. Report cards are usually available two weeks after the end of the quarter. Posting of report guards is announced in the Principal's Weekly. Report cards can be viewed in your child's portal.
What is the exam schedule ?
What library resources are available?
The library hours are 7:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. After hours, students have online access to research databases, online encyclopedias, research guides, citation generators, and audio books in the catalog. Passwords are required to access online sources when off-site. Students can find database passwords shared in their Google Drive under "Database Passwords." A few online subscriptions, such as NY Times access, is only available in the school building. Each HHS student can receive a Howe Library card which allows them access to Howe materials.
How do I see my child's course assignments?
Parents have access to Schoology which allows parents to view course materials. Teachers will post upcoming major assessments in their Schoology course calendar, but materials may be handed out in class or otherwise distributed to students. Daily homework may not always appear on Schoology course calendars.
What if my child needs to reschedule an exam?
A student who needs to reschedule an exam should appeal to the Principal in writing. If a reschedule is approved, a form will be issued to arrange a new time to take the exam between the student, the student's parent/guardian, the teacher, and the department coordinator.
Once an agreement is made and all parties have signed the form, the form is due to the attendance secretary in the main office.
How do I know if my child made honor roll or high honor roll?
The Hanover High School honor roll is no longer is published in the newspaper. The honor roll is posted in the guidance office. In the PowerSchool Portal there is an icon on the left that allows parents and students to see which quarters a student has met the criteria for honor roll or high honor roll.
How do I sign my child up for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP?
As an alternative to Smarter Balance Testing, Hanover High School 11th graders take the PSAT in school in October and the SAT in school in March. The costs for these two tests are covered by the school. AP exams occur in early May. Students are responsible for the cost and must register with the College Board. HHS may not be able to offer all available AP exams and students may have to take exams at another site. Students taking the SAT additional times, the SAT II or ACT must register and pay online with the College Board.
How do I see my child's test scores?
PSAT scores are sent directly to Hanover High School. School counselors will meet with students to distribute their scores.
SAT (including the April in-school SAT), SAT II, ACT and AP scores can be accessed and viewed through the student's College Board online account that the student created when they registered for the test.
When will my child get their schedule?
- What is the Code of Conduct?
- Where do I turn in my child's physical form?
- How do I pay athletic fees?
- Where are athletic events held?
- What are the co-curricular activities are available at HHS?
What is the Code of Conduct?
The Co-curricular Code of Conduct is a HHS policy developed by Council, the staff and school board which contains the minimum standards and procedures that apply to all students who participate in co-curricular activities and Council.
Where do I turn in my child's physical form?
How do I pay athletic fees?
Where are athletic events held?
Athletic events are held at various locations depending on the sport, team, and weather conditions. Be sure to confirm event locations. Below, is a list of home sporting event locations organized by sport.
Alpine Skiing | |
Baseball | Dresden Athletic Fields |
Basketball | Hanover High School Gym |
Crew | Wilson's Landing |
Cross-Country Running | Storrs Pond Recreation Area |
Cross-Country Skiing | Garipay Field |
Field Hockey | Merriman-Branch Memorial Field & Dresden Athletic Fields |
Football | Merriman-Branch Memorial Field |
Golf | Hanover Country Club |
Ice Hockey | James W. Campion III Ice Rink |
Indoor Track | Leverone Field House |
Lacrosse | Merriman-Branch Memorial Field and Hanover High School |
Outdoor Track | Hanover High School Track |
Ski Jumping | Oak Hill at Storrs Pond Recreation Area |
Softball | Dresden Athletic Fields |
Soccer | Merriman-Branch Memorial Field, Hanover High School, and Dresden Athletic Fields |
Swimming | Upper Valley Aquatic Center |
Tennis | Storrs Pond Recreation Area, Boss Tennis Center, and Huntley Meadows |
Volleyball | Hanover High School Gym |
What are the co-curricular activities are available at HHS?
There are numerous co-curricular activities at Hanover High School from theater and athletics to student-led musical groups and clubs. More detailed information about co-curriculars can be found under the Enrichment portion of our website.
Physical & Mental Health
- My child has been diagnosed with a concussion by a doctor, what do I do?
- I have a question about my child's health and whether they should come to school.
- My child needs mobility assistance, how can they better navigate the school?
- My child has been diagnosed a physical or mental health condition, is there someone to notify and what are the resources?
- My child is having interpersonal relationship issues, who can they talk to?
- What if my child needs to have an extended absence?
- What community resources are available for substance abuse?
My child has been diagnosed with a concussion by a doctor, what do I do?
Contact the nurse and the health office will help create a concussion plan for school and be the liason between families and teachers.
If your child plays sports and has a concussion contact the athletic director for information about the approval to play procedure.
I have a question about my child's health and whether they should come to school.
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, please keep him/her home until he/she has been fever free (without medication) for at least 24 hours. For additional questions, contact the Health Office.
My child needs mobility assistance, how can they better navigate the school?
My child has been diagnosed a physical or mental health condition, is there someone to notify and what are the resources?
My child is having interpersonal relationship issues, who can they talk to?
What if my child needs to have an extended absence?
What community resources are available for substance abuse?
If you have concerns about substance abuse, this guide can help connect you and your family with community resources. Click here for information about area support groups and substance misuse prevention.
Student Life
- Why is my child's portal locked?
- How do I pay a fee?
- Where do I pick-up/drop-off my child?
- How do I report an absence?
- How does my child get a goldenrod?
- How early and late can my child be in the school building?
- My child has had an academic integrity incident, what happens now?
- How can I get involved in school activities?
- My child has been involved in a disciplinary action, what happens?
- How does my child get lunch at school?
- Can my child bring a car to school? Is there parking?
- My child is having a problem with their school Chromebook, what do we do?
- What is the dress code?
Why is my child's portal locked?
How do I pay a fee?
Where do I pick-up/drop-off my child?
How do I report an absence?
If your child is sick with the following symptoms, please report it to the front office when you phone to say your child will be absent.
- Fever >100 degrees
- Cough
- Sore throat and a runny nose
- Body aches or headache and fatigue
- Sometimes nausea and diarrhea
How does my child get a goldenrod?
Notifying teachers prior to a planned absence encourages students to communicate proactively with their teachers. Students who complete the goldenrod process learn to communicate and manage time more effectively. As a result, students that have completed the goldenrod process are able to take part in their co-curricular activities.
In order to complete a goldenrod:
- A student's parent or guardian calls the Main Office of the absence indicating their approval.
- The student picks up the goldenrod form in the Main Office.
- The student brings the goldenrod to the teachers of the classes they are going to miss.
- Teachers must be given advance notice of an absence equal to the number of days a student will be missing. i.e. a one-day planned absence requires notification one day in advance, a two-day absence requires notification two days in advance, and so on.
- The student turns in the completed goldenrod form to the main office.
How early and late can my child be in the school building?
My child has had an academic integrity incident, what happens now?
If your child is involved in an academic integrity incident the student speaks with the teacher and the Dean of Students and parents of notified. Students can chose to take the base consequence outlined in the handbook, restorative practices, or can appeal to the Judiciary Committee.
How can I get involved in school activities?
There are several ways parents can participate in the school:
- Become a community member on Council which meets Wednesdays from 10:10-11:15. For more information contact the Council Moderator.
- Become a parent representative on HHS' Committee on Policy and Procedure (CPP), meetings are Mondays from 3:10-4:00. For more information contact Justin Campbell.
- Keep in touch with volunteer opportunities in the community with Youth-In-Action.
- Volunteer to be a community leader for March Intensive.
- Attend HHS events such as concerts, plays, athletic events, and guest speakers.
- Check the Principal's Weekly for other volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
My child has been involved in a disciplinary action, what happens?
Students involved in a disciplinary incident meet with the Dean of Students and something the Principal. Depending on the severity of the incident parents may or may not be contacted. The handbook outlines base responses to disciplinary issues.
How does my child get lunch at school?
Hanover High School uses MealTime Online so you to make credit card deposits into your student's cafeteria account or view your student's purchase history via the internet. Before you proceed, you will need to get your student’s account number. To get this number please email Melissa Candon.
Please note that online deposits are processed overnight and will be automatically reflected in your student’s account the following morning at that Deposits made after 2:00 a.m. will be processed the following night.
To inquire about Free & Reduced Lunch call the school nurse.
MealTime Instructions
- Go directly to:
- First Time Users of MealTime Online:
- Create a MealTime Online profile. Click on the "Create new profile" link and enter a Username and Password that you will use to login to MealTime Online. The Username and Password must be at least 6 characters. For example, Username: jsmith Password: pty845.
- Add your student. Login to your MealTime Online account (using the Username and Password that you created in Step 1), click on “Meal Account Deposits” then click the "Add New Student" link and add your student by entering their first name and student ID number. The Student I.D. number is a different number than the one the students use in the cafeteria, you will need to contact your food service director for assistance.
- To make a Deposit, click on the "Make Deposit" link to make a deposit into a school account.
- Click on the "View Details" link next to your student's name to view their cafeteria account balance and purchase history.
Can my child bring a car to school? Is there parking?
We do not have enough parking for every student to drive a car to school. Students wishing to park in our limited parking spaces must apply for a parking permit.
Students applying for a parking permit must have a valid license by the date of issue. All designated student spaces will be distributed in the following order of priority:
- Hardship Students
- Seniors (by lottery if spaces available)
Hardship parking is defined as a situation that is out of the control of the student. This burden would require a student to drive their vehicle to school in order to attend their classes on a daily basis. The following circumstances DO NOT apply for Hardship:
- Extracurricular activities (before or after school)
- Sports
- Carpooling
- Students that have access to bus routes
Hardship applicants should come with a letter from their family, signed by themselves and their guardians, stating their hardship. Acceptance of Hardship situations is at the discretion of the Dean of Students.
My child is having a problem with their school Chromebook, what do we do?
If your child is having a technical issue with their Chromebook, they should bring their Chromebook to the Computer Lab. If your child has left their Chromebook at home, your child may borrow a Chromebook from the departmental resource center of any class that requires them to use their Chromebook. Students should bring their Chromebook to school charged. Chargers are not available to be borrowed, but charging stations are located in the library and computer lab.
What is the dress code?
The following guidelines are to be encouraged while students are on school property during school hours:
- Clothing that contains words or graphics referring to alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and tobacco should not be worn.
- Clothing with obscene or sexual references in words or graphics should not be worn.
- Students must wear sufficient clothing so that no bare skin or underwear is visible in the front or back of the torso from the upper chest to below the buttocks.
- Footwear is required.
Parking Information
Student parking at Hanover High School is limited. Parking permits are given to those most in need. Students seeking parking, should check email and Schoology for information about the Parking Application. The Parking Application, a copy of the student's driver’s license and vehicle registration have to be turned into the Main Office by the due date to be considered.
There is a designated student parking areas. Failure to park in approved student parking areas and to display parking sticker will result in disciplinary consequences. This policy will be strictly enforced. Please note that if you drive an alternate vehicle to school you must share that vehicle information with the main office.
The Town of Hanover has parking available. A backup plan of getting on the Town of Hanover Hovey Parking Permit wait list is recommended for students who are not awarded a HHS parking permit.