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Mission Statement

Hanover High School is an active learning community that provides broad academic and co-curricular programs. We engage students’ minds, hearts and voices so that they become educated, caring and responsible adults. All students are given the opportunity and encouragement to use their
  • Minds to pursue excellence, academic challenge, and personal success.
  • Hearts to respect and care for the emotional and physical well being of themselves and others, and for the environment.
  • Voices to contribute to the academic process and the common good.

NEASC Accreditation


Founded in 1885, the New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Inc. (NEASC), is the nation’s oldest regional accrediting association whose mission is establishment and maintenance of high standards for all levels of education, from pre-K to the doctoral level.

The key components of the accreditation process are:

  • a Self-Reflection completed by the school
  • a Collaborative Conference held with a small team of peer educators
  • the development and implementation of a school growth plan
  • a reflective summary report completed by the school
  • a personalized Decennial Accreditation visit

Hanover High School NEASC Reports

Report of the Visiting Team for Hanover High School May 2023
NEASC Accreditation Letter June 2023


Social and Civil Skills

  • Works effectively and responsibly as an individual and in groups.
  • Acts as a responsible citizen using the democratic process to address concerns and effect change in the community, state, nation and world.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the necessary balance between the resource needs of human beings and the finite nature of the environment

Academic Competencies

  • Reads actively and critically.
  • Writes/creates effectively.
  • Speaks/presents effectively.
  • Listens attentively and critically.
  • Identifies and utilizes a variety of resources for obtaining information.
  • Employs multiple strategies in critical thinking, problem-solving, and performance.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and skills in a variety of forms in different disciplines.