Communicates Council activity to the student body and community -
1. Is responsible for communicating the actions of the Council to the student body and the community at large.
2. Is responsible for organizing presentations about Council and the democratic process to HHS staff and all ninth-grade social studies classes each fall, in conjunction with the Moderator.
3. Will be a member of the Student Life Committee.
4. Is responsible for promoting school involvement by posting the Council agenda at least 24 hours before each meeting and for maintaining an effective Council bulletin board, in conjunction with the secretary.
5. Is responsible for organizing a presentation about the democratic process at HHS to be given to the Dresden School Board at the beginning of each board term, in conjunction with the Dresden School Board Representative.
6. Is responsible for organizing a presentation to parents at the eighth-grade RMS Parent’s Night.
7. Is responsible for distributing a letter to all new staff at the beginning of the school year inviting them to attend a Council meeting.
8. Is responsible for submitting a monthly report summarizing the major issues being dealt with in Council if not already being covered by a Broadside member.
9. Is responsible for submitting updates to the Common Ground Announcements.
10. Is responsible for maintaining Council social media, i.e. Instagram.
11. Is responsible for organizing a school visit designed to inform Council members about practices at other schools at least twice a year.
12. To post the minutes from each week on the Council Bulletin Board and the other bulletin boards throughout the school.
13. To post a list of Council Nominees for the school a week before the election.
14. To email the motions passed that pertain to the entire school at the last meeting and the agenda for the next meeting by 12 (noon) on Wednesday.
15. Presides over meetings in the absence of [the Moderator, the Assistant Moderator, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Dresden School Board Representative].