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The business of the Council as it involves research, fact-finding, and establishing background information, will mainly be carried on in the Council’s committees, especially the standing committees.The importance of effective committee performance cannot be underestimated, and the responsibility rests primarily on the committee chairs.- Council Bylaws, Revised December 2014

Committees are essential to the work Council does. Additional information can be found in the Council Bylaws in Article VII. Elected Council members are sorted into committees when they become part of the body. However, Council committee meetings are always open to the public (in some cases, even a non-Council member chairs a Council committee). Fill out the form  if you would like to join a Council committee.

Committee Meeting Times

Administrative Committee (Admin)
Chair: Josh Janisse ('26)
Meeting: Tuesday lunch Period, R40
Curriculum Committee (Curric)
Co-Chairs: Salomé Baertschiger ('27) and Grace Healey ('27)  
Meeting: Thursday STUDY FLEX, Social Studies Resource Center
Organizational Engineering Committee (OEC)
Chair: Mingheng Liu ('25)
Meeting: Monday Activities Period, English Resource Center
Student Activities Committee (SAC)
Chair: Mary Matter ('26) 
Meeting: Tuesday Lunch, ROOM 110 (Health)
Student Life Committee (SL)
Chair: Nelson Barabas ('27) 
Meeting: Monday Activities Period, Room 118


Past Committees