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1:1 Chromebook Initiative

In 2017, Hanover High School began a 1:1 Chromebook Initiative because the school believed that students and teachers benefit from a common learning platform. To that end, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, all incoming 9th grade students will be issued and use a school Chromebook for both 9th and 10th grade. They will not have the option to bring a personal device, such as a MacBook or personal Chromebook. Rising 10th grade students, if they prefer, will still be allowed to use a personal device for the 23-24 school year. 
This adjustment to our 1:1 initiative is an educational and equity-based decision. Since 95% of freshmen already check out and use a Chromebook, it allows staff to design instruction knowing that all students will be using the same device. School Chromebooks are set up for easy access to the programs that our teachers use regularly and new programs can be added quickly. They are maintained by the technology staff so they can be repaired or replaced while students are in school, unlike personal devices. They have standardized charging ports, so students can use the charging stations available in school if necessary. It also allows us to better comply with federal and state regulations surrounding online safety and protection for students. 

Below are some of the commonly asked questions regarding our 1:1 Chromebook Initiative.