MI registration opens first to 11th and 12th graders with 12th graders receiving priority placement. A random number generator is used to provide each 12th grader with a number. To ensure the greatest number of 12th graders receive their first choice, placements are made based on their randomly assigned number This process will continue until all 12th graders have been placed, using the student’s list of preferences as course enrollments fill up. Please note that CHOOSING THE SAME COURSE MULTIPLE TIMES DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCE TO BE ENROLLED IN THE COURSE; ONCE THE ENROLLMENT CAP IS MET, THERE ARE NO MORE SPOTS.
The same procedure will be followed for each subsequent grade level. If your first choice is already filled, the placement will continue as if your second choice were actually the first, and so on. In an effort to ensure 9th and 10th graders receive one of their top choices, they will be signing up for courses after 11th and 12th graders, selecting from an updated list of available courses. The MI Committee reserves the right to make adjustments in course rosters and runs wait lists as is feasible.
If you do not express preferences before the MI Committee determines course rosters, the MI Committee will assign you to a course.
The placement procedure is obviously weighted to benefit older students with the understanding that all students will benefit from the procedure at some time in their high school careers. We also feel that it is very important to have the March Intensive support of the older students, who set the tone and direction for the student body.
Please note that all students are expected to participate in March Intensive; exceptions are granted only at the discretion of the Administration. If a student receives an “NP” or “UP” grade for March Intensive, he/she will be placed at the bottom of his/her class lottery the following year. Moreover, students are expected to participate in the MI course(s) assigned to them. If there is a problem, please see an adult member of the MI Committee.