Poetry Recitation Contest
Bienvenue! Willkommen! Salvete! ¡Bienvenidos!
Dearest Language Colleagues:
After a two year pandemic hiatus, we are very pleased to invite you and your students to participate in our Poetry Recitation Contest (PRC), scheduled for Wednesday, December 7, 2022, with a snow date on Wednesday, December 14. Traditionally held every December, the PRC gathers language students from a wide range of high schools to recite poems in their target language before a panel of judges and an audience of peers and teachers. The contest is open to any student studying one of our languages (French, German, Latin, Spanish) at the high school level. Each school may enter three students per level in each language, more in German and Latin. To help with the flow of the event, we've adopted a three-level format for each language:
Beginning (Level 1)
Intermediate (Levels 2-3)
Advanced (Levels 4+)
Students will "sign in" during the 8:15-8:45 a.m. block and make their way to their assigned rooms for a 9:00 start. Throughout the morning, refreshments will be available in designated areas. The event will culminate in the HHS Auditorium at 12:15 p.m. for the announcement of our winners.
Please RSVP, using the form below, by Friday, October 21, 2022. This deadline is earlier than in past years because we've decided that we need at least seven other schools to register in order to proceed with the event, and we're not sure if all the schools that have participated in the past are allowed and ready to resume this sort of large-gathering event.
This year's poem selections are available in two formats: as Google Docs (linked below) and as PDFs (attached).
PRC 2022 Rules
PRC 2022 French Poems
PRC 2022 German Poems
PRC 2022 Latin Poems
PRC 2022 Spanish Poems
- Who May Compete?
- How Will Students Be Scored?
- What Do We Need to Bring to the Contest?
- Where Do We Park?
- What is the Schedule?
- What Are The Room Assignments?
- What Do Students Do When They're Not Competing?
- How Do We Get More Information?