Co-curricular Code of Conduct
A co-curricular activity is any activity associated with a school-sponsored team, club or other organization that is not part of the HHS academic or March Intensive programs.
Hanover High School Code of Conduct
Principles of Conduct for Co-curricular Activities and Council at Hanover High School approved by the Council on 12/12/11, by the Dresden Education Committee on 2/10/12, and by the Dresden School Board on 3/27/12. Revised by Council 9/9/2020
Co-curricular activities and Council at Hanover High School (HHS) provide rewarding opportunities for all students. Participants represent themselves and the entire school community. Participants are expected to display strong character, to model exemplary behavior and should not discredit or bring harm to the activity or the school. “The Council is “the governance body at Hanover High School, representative of the students and staff.” Therefore, Council members are subject to the Council Bylaws in addition to these guidelines. The Council Executive, the Council Executive Committee, and the Organizational Engineering Committee (OEC), in concert with the Associate Principal may develop and enforce the standards and penalties applicable to the “The Council.”
This Code of Conduct contains the minimum standards and procedures that apply to all students who participate in co-curricular activities. Advisors and coaches, in collaboration with participants in each co-curricular activity, may submit specific rules and/or regulations they deem appropriate for their activity to the Associate Principal and/or the Athletic Director for approval. Co-Curricular members are subject to their specific guidelines as well as the Code of Conduct.
In the event of a conflict between the Code of Conduct and the other rules and regulations governing the specific activity, the administration will resolve the difference and will typically apply the more stringent standard.
Co-curricular Eligibility Standards
To be eligible to participate in co-curricular activities, one must be:
- a full-time student enrolled at Hanover High School, or
- A part-time student enrolled at Hanover High School who the principal has deemed eligible for co-curricular participation, or
- a resident of Hanover/Norwich who is home-schooled, or enrolled in an alternative educational program approved by the Superintendent of SAU 70.
In addition, students must have successfully passed a minimum of four courses in the previous marking period to be eligible for a co-curricular activity. Eligibility for fall participation is based on passing four courses in the previous fourth marking period. Summer school work approved and recognized by HHS counts towards eligibility for fall co-curricular activities. Incoming ninth graders are automatically eligible for fall co-curricular activities. However, ninth graders must pass four full-time classes in the first marking period to be eligible for winter co-curricular activities. Because some co-curricular activities, such as spring sports, begin in the middle of a marking period, eligibility is based on second marking period grades. Eligibility is reassessed when the third-marking-period grades are final.
Students must be in attendance for all of their required classes in order to participate that afternoon or evening. The Principal or designee may waive this requirement under special circumstances.
Applications of the Code of Conduct
Participants in all HHS co-curricular activities are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct. By choosing to participate in a co-curricular activity or Council; every participant is automatically required to adhere to this Code and any additional rules and regulations governing that activity and may be subject to the consequences detailed in the Student Handbook, Student-Athlete Handbook, and/or this Code.
Violations of the Code of Conduct
The following are considered to be violations of the Code of Conduct:
- Actions that abuse, humiliate, degrade, or physically harm others;
- Illegal activity, notably but not limited to: theft; vandalism; use, distribution, or possession of alcohol or drugs; trespassing.
Reporting and Determination Procedures
When the students, advisors, coaches or administrators learn of a Code of Conduct violation, they must inform all of the aforementioned parties of the violation.
Upon the receipt of information regarding a possible violation of this Code, the Associate Principal and/or the Athletic Director will gather and evaluate evidence and determine whether a violation has occurred. Evidence may include, but is not limited to: statements from the participant, the victim (if any), and witnesses; physical evidence; police reports or charges, etc. In the case of alleged illegal activity unrelated to school-supported activities (whether on campus or off), the Associate Principal and/or Athletic Director may rely on the filing of police charges to make a determination that a violation has occurred.
As with all other school imposed consequences, the participant may appeal the imposed penalties to JCOMM, although if the violation is criminal in nature, the decision and any applied consequences will stand until the administration investigates the underlying circumstances and assesses the impact of the matter on the school environment. When a parent or participant has a concern regarding the consequence imposed or the process used to determine whether an action is a violation of the Code of Conduct, the parent or student should take the following steps:
- Speak with the program advisor or coach.
- If not satisfied, speak with the Associate Principal or Athletic Director.
- If not satisfied, speak with the Principal
- If not satisfied, speak with the Superintendent of Schools.
Consequences of a Violation
When a student violates the Code of Conduct during the season of the activity (or the academic year for a year-long activity), they will be disciplined by the rules below or by the administration-approved rules and regulations specific to that activity. The advisor, coach or director of the activity will oversee the punishment in conjunction with the Associate Principal and the Athletic Director (where appropriate). If, however, the administration determines that the misconduct is severe, a more significant punishment may be assigned. Severe misconduct includes acts such as, but not limited to, distribution of a controlled substance, breaking and entering, and assault.
Consequences resulting from a violation of this Code will be applicable to all activities in which the student is participating. Offenses are cumulative across all activities throughout the participant's high school career; For purposes of this section, a public performance is defined as any situation in which the student publicly represents their activity.
In every case of a violation of the Code of Conduct, the participant will be required to have a meeting with the School Clinician to determine if additional supports are required. Decisions regarding participation in activities aside from public performances, such as rehearsals or practices, are at the discretion of the relevant advisor in concert with the Associate Principal.
First Offense:
The student will be referred to the Restorative Practices program. It’s important to note that the ensuing process will include direct participation from their coach or advisor. If the student chooses to not take part in the Restorative Practices process they will receive the penalty for a second offense. The student may not participate in public performances until the Restorative Practice conference has been completed. The Restorative contract for the first offense will be drafted at the conference but never exceed 2nd offense consequences in severity and does not have to include the loss of public performance time. The student may practice throughout this process.
Second Offense:
The student will be excluded from 20% of the total public performances for that activity with a minimum exclusion of at least one performance. The student may practice throughout this process. In addition, students in leadership positions, including captains of teams, officers of activities, Council officers, and chairs of Council committees will be removed from their leadership positions in all co-curricular activities and Council for up to 12 months from the date of the 2nd offense, even if the violation occurred outside of the activity’s timeframe or during the summer. Student leadership positions may be restored at the discretion of the Associate Principal, and/or Athletic Director and relevant advisor.
Third Offense:
At the discretion of the coach the student may become a practice player or activity support on their teams for three months. They will not be able to do any public performances at this time. If this is not possible because of the harm they have caused the team or activity, the Administration will suspend them from the co-curricular activity.
Other Consequences for Violations
Following is a list of other potential consequences for violation of the Code of Conduct depending on severity
- Suspension from participation in that co-curricular activity;
- Schedule-up (see HHS handbook) of variable duration, as determined by the administration; or
- Suspension or expulsion from school as detailed in the HHS handbook.
Co-Curricular Competition and Practice Responsibilities
1. Dress codes for public performances are determined by the individual advisors; however, the dress should indicate that the participants take pride in Hanover High School and their personal appearance.
2. The participant is responsible for knowing when and where transportation leaves for away performances.
All participants must leave and return with the group. Exceptions must be approved by the Advisor, Athletic Director, or Administration.
3. If a participant is ineligible to participate in a public performance and drives to an away performance on their own, they may not be part of the group at that performance.
Early Dismissal:
Students must know what time they are to be excused from classes. It is the responsibility of the program advisor to notify the administration and participants of early dismissal time in advance. It is the responsibility of the students to know what time they are to be excused from classes and to report to their 2 o’clock class for 15 minutes. For example, a 2:15 dismissal means that students must still report to their 2:00 class.
Participants must report directly to the meeting place determined by the advisor.
Participants are individually responsible to arrange with each of their academic teachers make-up work necessary due to early dismissal.
Because co-curricular activities are considered an important part of Hanover High School's comprehensive educational program, students who need to leave school early for a contest or performance will not receive an educational penalty, such as loss of class participation points.
Practice/Rehearsal/Meeting Regulations:
Participants are expected to be at every required practice/rehearsal/meeting unless absent from school or excused by the head coach or advisor. Individual coaches and advisors determine penalties for missing practices unexcused. Participants who must miss practice for an appropriate reason should inform the head coach or advisor ahead of time.
Designated Days Policy:
Hanover High School recognizes that students may have personal obligations on certain days that conflict with co-curricular activities. These obligations may include, but are not limited to, family travel, religious observances, and celebrations of major holidays. The intent of this Designated Days Policy is to allow students and families with strongly held beliefs or obligations the opportunity to be together to honor those beliefs on significant days without jeopardizing the student's place on the team.
Academic Requirements and Eligibility
The student must satisfy the teacher’s long-term academic requirements and attendance requirements for all scheduled credit courses for the day of the co-curricular activity. Friday attendance counts for both Friday and weekend events.
Previously Approved Absence
A student may legitimately miss a class and remain eligible if satisfactory arrangements to miss the class have been made with the teacher prior to the class meeting time by completing a goldenrod form and returning it to the main office.
Unexcused Absence from Class
In the case of an unexcused absence, the student is ineligible to participate in the next scheduled practice or rehearsal following knowledge of the absence being processed in the school’s main office. An ineligible student may not miss class(es) in order to attend a public performance.
If a student participates in public performance when they have been later deemed ineligible, the student will then be required to miss their next public performance. performance=performance, practice/rehearsal=practice/rehearsal.
Co-curricular Eligibility Based on Attendance
Participants in all HHS co-curricular activities are expected to attend all of their classes, in their entirety, except when they have a prior notification excuse or a doctor’s note. Prior notification excuses are those for which the participant secures a goldenrod form signed by the teachers of those classes that they will miss for that day and returns it to the main office. Absences that are parent-sanctioned but do not go through the goldenrod process will not allow practice/rehearsal that day unless there is a doctor’s note. Only those absences that provide prior notification or a doctor’s note will allow co-curricular participation.
Students must be in attendance for all of their required classes in order to participate that afternoon or evening (Unexcused absences on Friday would result in ineligibility for weekend events) in a co-curricular contest or performance. In the case of an unexcused absence, the student is ineligible to participate in the next scheduled practice or public performance following knowledge of the absence being processed in the school’s main office. An ineligible student may not miss class(es) in order to attend a public performance. The Principal or designee may waive this requirement under special circumstances.
If a participant misses class time because of a class cut or illness, it will result in ineligibility. If an ill participant leaves a class and goes to the Nurse and returns during that same period to class, they may still be eligible. If the participant goes to the Nurse and misses the entire/remainder of that class, they are ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities that day. If they spend a period or two in the Counseling office and receive an “H” for the classes missed they can still participate.
If an athlete is reported to the Athletic Department for cutting a class and is therefore ineligible for playing in a contest, the athlete may not ride the team bus to an away contest that day if they would miss any class time for the remainder of that day.
If the student is absent from a class or scheduled obligation due to illness, the student is ineligible to participate in the co-curricular activity for that day.
Ineligibility Overrule
When a student misses a class or scheduled obligation, the Associate Principal may declare the student eligible if it can be verified that the student’s absence was due to circumstances beyond the student’s reasonable control. Although we prefer prior notification for doctors appointments, the Associate Principal will also declare the student eligible if they present a doctors’ note excusing their absence on the day missed.
No student may participate in any activity during the same day that the student has been on suspension, either in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Eligibility Addendum
Council, Spring 1993
- That on the days of games or contests for any sport, the J-Comm will go into session immediately upon learning that there is an appeal of ineligibility due to class cutting or accrued tardiness that equals a cut.
- That the usual twenty-four hour timeline for appeals be reduced to same day or as soon as the information is known.
- That the J-Comm would hear each case immediately if the J-Comm decides to hear the case at all.
- That if there is insufficient time between the submission of an appeal and the scheduled departure of the team for an appeal to be heard, no appeal will be allowed.
- That this change in procedure be communicated to the Athletic Director and all coaches with the request that all athletes be informed.
Coach and Advisor Expectations
The student must comply with any additional rules and regulations set by the coach or advisor for that activity. Before the activity begins, the coach or advisor will inform the participants in that activity of all basic rules and additional expectations. However, it is still the student’s responsibility to acquaint themselves with all applicable eligibility rules.
Spectator/Audience Behavior at School Functions
A student whose behavior is disruptive, dangerous or detrimental to the Hanover High School community at an athletic, social or cultural event involving representatives of the school or on a bus transporting Hanover High School students, shall forfeit participation in or admittance to such events for a time period determined by the Principal in conjunction with the student and their parents. The Principal has the discretion to place a student on probation for the first offense. Discipline procedures outlined in the Dresden Safe Schools Zone Policy JICD and Regulation JLI may also be enforced.
Obscene cheers, throwing objects, disrupting a co-curricular activity and verbal indignities directed toward visiting athletes have no place in high school athletics and will not be tolerated. Courtesy to visitors as well as the safety of players and spectators must be given full consideration. The old axiom (paraphrased) should prevail: You have personal rights until your assumed rights interfere with the rights of others.
Hanover High School is a drug-free zone which means that alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and smoking are prohibited on school grounds and in school buildings.
Student Initiated Activities
Students wishing to organize a new activity (i.e., science club, intramural, etc.) should contact the Associate Principal . The Associate Principal will help them determine whether their proposal is feasible and advise them on the necessary details (statement of purpose, transportation, timetables, advisors, and funding, if needed). A proposal requiring a budget should be planned a year in advance and initiated in early Fall. Once the Associate Principal approves the proposal, the students bring the proposal before the Council for consideration.
Currently approved motion departs from handbook with significant omissions one of which is related to how Council is handled by CCC.