Discipline & Safety
Safety Procedures
- Suspected Alcohol or Drug Violation
- Evacuation
- Threat Protocol
- Electronic Surveillance on School Buses
- Personal Safety
- Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students
- Protection of Student Rights
Suspected Alcohol or Drug Violation
Suspected Alcohol or Drug Violation
An emergency is defined as a student out of control, unconscious, or physically ill. The priority is protecting the student from physical harm and from disrupting the school environment and other students.
- Remain with the student.
- Send for the school nurse.
- Call 911 for emergency medical assistance if the nurse is not available.
- If indicated, release the student to the custody of appropriate medical personnel.
- Report to the Principal or their designee once the student is under medical supervision.
- The Principal contacts the parents. If the Principal is not available, the Principal’s designee contacts the parents.
The Principal implements the follow-up procedures detailed below:
Where there is reason to suspect an alcohol or drug violation by a student (even if the evidence is inconclusive):
- The Principal or their designee contacts the student’s parents.
- The Principal or their designee may request that the Hanover Police Department send an officer to the school.
- If the police officer does not take custody of the student, the Principal or their designee may request that a parent take the student home.
- If the police officer does not take custody of the student and a parent is not available, the Principal or their designee can require the student stay at school until the student can be released into the custody of a responsible adult.
Follow-up Procedures
- The Principal or their designee meets with the student and their parents and determines the consequences for the violation. The School independently determines whether it should impose discipline for alcohol or drug use whether or not the police take action.
- The Principal or their designee advises the student and their parents that a referral will be made to the Student Assistance Team.
- After reviewing the incident, the Student Assistance Team may recommend that the student meet with a Team counselor as a condition of reinstatement. This is similar to the procedure outlined in the Athletic Training Rules and may be required in addition to administrative consequences such as a suspension or schedule-up. The team may also recommend interventions outside of school.
When it becomes necessary to evacuate the school building the following expectations are in effect:
General Information
- No Elevator use when fire alarm sounds
- ALL STAFF MEMBERS are to participate in fire drills.
- Never ignore alarms
Evacuation areas are:
- Football Field area
- East on Lebanon Street (school side)
- Thompson Arena
Please stay out of driveways and away from the building to avoid impeding fire fighting operations and the risk of serious injury.
General Staff Responsibilities In Case of Emergency
- Close all windows and doors (if it will not cause unnecessary delay).
- Exit the classroom last.
- Exit the hallways last, checking bathrooms and offices on the way out. Exit in the direction marked by the arrows in the classrooms in the classroom toward the nearest stair/exit.
- Assist handicapped individuals. Handicapped individuals will exit last. Stairwells are one-hour fire safe zones. Staff members with two-way radios will be stationed at the exit doors.
- Supervise students while exiting from the building, while in evacuation areas, and during return to building.
- Move students away from driveways, parking lots and the flagpole area.
- If a decision is made to evacuate the school site: accompany students to the Thompson Arena where students will meet with their Advisory. Staff members are responsible for their Advisory and must take attendance. Thompson is a safe zone, and there will be emergency services available.
Student Responsibility
Students are expected to do the following:
- Follow instructions quickly promptly.
- Exit in the direction marked by arrows in the classroom for the nearest stairs/exit. Students not in a classroom should go to the nearest stair/exit.
Threat Protocol
Threat Protocol
The staff of Hanover High School considers the safety of all individuals of the school community to be a primary responsibility in our educational mission. We take this responsibility most seriously and are committed to addressing any act or situation that could potentially result in danger to any member of our educational community. This includes all students, staff, teachers, and families of our students. In response to events and actions both in our community and our society, the need to develop a Threat Protocol resulted in the creation of this document. Any action perceived as a threatening action will be responded to through the following protocol.
The following document should be considered a working document. The Hanover High School Threat Protocol Team reserves the right to alter, delete, or add any requirements regarding the document that they determine are appropriate in responding to the particular circumstances of any incident.
A threat is defined as any action, spoken, written, or physical, that can reasonably be construed as intent to commit an act of violence or an actual act of violence against an individual, individuals, or school facility.
A student has an obligation to notify a staff member or the administration immediately upon awareness of a threat.
- Threatening language or actions will not be tolerated, regardless of intent.
- If during school hours an individual feels threatened or feels the school or other individuals within the school are threatened, then they must immediately notify an administrator. The first priority is the Principal, if not available the Associate Principal, if not available the Guidance Counselors or Student Assistance Counselor. This notification will initiate the Threat Protocol. In addition, the individual should take what they deem reasonable immediate actions to maintain the safety of the school and its population.
- Outside of school hours, the appropriate action is to report any threat to the Hanover Police. School-related threats should also be reported to the Principal or Associate Principal.
- Confidentiality must be maintained except as it directly relates to implementing the Threat Protocol and school safety.
Mandatory Immediate Actions
- Isolate individual(s)
- Notify parent(s)
- Call police
- Personally notify person(s) to whom threat is aimed, or who would be harmed by the threat. Remind the person(s) that they can have a support person of their choice with them. Information that can be legally shared will be communicated in a timely fashion to the staff and if appropriate to the student body.
School Disciplinary Actions
Based on the information, including input from staff, police, guidance, school psychologist, students, and others with pertinent information the administration will hold a disciplinary hearing and pursue disciplinary action which may include but need not be limited to:
- Warning
- Schedule-Up
- Suspension with long-term schedule-up upon return to school
- Expulsion hearing
- Expulsion
In addition, the school may request that the school psychologist or designated alternative psychologist evaluate the student before they return to classes. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the possibility of the student continuing to be a danger to others in the future. The school psychologist will be involved in the student's re-entry to school, including a meeting with the student or consultation with the outside psychologist.
All individuals have the right to call the police and/or file charges at any time.
Class Rooms; Offices; Resource Rooms
- Students remain in classes, Resource Rooms, and Offices with staff members.
- Students in corridors, lobbies, and insecure areas proceed immediately to nearest classroom, office, or resource room. Students in the cafeteria and atrium proceed immediately to the Chorus Area.
- Staff members lock their doors that lead into corridors, lock corridor doors if possible, and secure doors between classrooms.
- Windows are locked, blinds are closed, lights are off, students lie on the floor or hide in the safest area of room and remain quiet.
- Staff takes attendance.
- Staff member secures phone listening to information and providing updates as appropriate.
- Students turn off or mute cell phones.
Students who are off campus should report to the Black Center
Note: In a lockdown the school is biding time and shielding staff and students until the police arrive. In an evacuation, the staff and students are distancing themselves from the source(s) of danger.
Electronic Surveillance on School Buses
Dresden School Board Policy EBD
Adopted October 26, 199
Personal Safety
Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students
Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students
Dresden School Board Policy ACAA
Adopted December 15, 2020
Protection of Student Rights
Discipline Policies & Consequences
- School Bus Discipline Procedures
- Academic Discipline Procedures
- Destruction and Theft of Property
- Schedule-Up
- Co-Curricular Discipline Procedures
- Alcohol and Other Prohibited Substances Procedure
- Student Discipline and Due Process
- Personal Safety Hanover High School Procedures
School Bus Discipline Procedures
School Bus Discipline Procedures
Discipline will be handled according to the following procedures:
For unacceptable behavior in the judgment of the driver, the driver will complete a Bus Conduct Report form, which notifies the Principal of the problem.
The Principal will speak to the student(s) and, if appropriate, speak to or send a letter home to the parents. The Principal will advise the bus contractor of action taken on each conduct report submitted by drivers.
A serious offense, or behavior which creates a safety hazard, may result in a suspension of up to two weeks, at the discretion of the Principal. The driver may insist on a suspension for a student whose behavior creates a safety hazard.
Unusually serious offenses may result in permanent suspension from the bus. If this action becomes necessary, the Principal will notify the parents and the Superintendent in writing. The actual suspension will be made by the Superintendent, with the right of appeal to the School Board.
If a student is suspended from the bus as a consequence of a bus conduct report, or of reported poor behavior on the bus, the punishment will take effect the following morning. However, if at the discretion of the school administration the safety of other children is in question, the student may be suspended from the bus immediately. In that case, an attempt will be made to contact parents to make other transportation arrangements for the suspended student. If the parents cannot be contacted, the school will arrange for the student to be transported home only on the day suspension occurs. Thereafter, it is the responsibility of the parents to arrange for their students’ transportation to and from school.
School Bus Rider Responsibilities
Riders and drivers will treat others with courtesy and respect at all times.
The use of profanity, vulgar, obscene, or abusive language will not be tolerated.
Fighting, shoving, or bullying others on the bus, or while waiting for the bus, will not be tolerated.
Throwing anything on the bus is prohibited.
Talking should be carried on in conversational tones.
Smoking, or use of tobacco, is prohibited on the bus at all times.
Students must obey immediately any request or suggestion from the bus driver pertaining to safe pupil transportation.
Defacement of or destruction to the bus will not be tolerated. Any vandalism of the bus or bus seats will be billed to the person responsible for the damage.
Aisles are to be left free of books, lunch boxes, coats, and other objects at all times. Students should sit totally in their seats, and not put their arms, legs, etc., into the aisles, except when inadequate space makes this impossible.
Students must remain seated at all times when the bus is moving; arms and heads must be inside at all times.
Students may be required to walk up to one and one half miles to a bus stop, or two miles to school.
Students must be ready to board the bus at least five minutes prior to its scheduled stop. Drivers are not to wait for pupils who are not ready. Pupils should not crowd onto the street or road when waiting for the bus; instead, they should line up and enter the bus in an orderly fashion when it arrives. Middle and high school students boarding the buses in front of the Richmond School in the afternoon should stand behind the white line until the buses have come to a complete stop.
Students must board the bus in an orderly and courteous manner, go immediately to a seat, and sit down. The driver may assign seats.
a.) For Norwich middle and high school students only- when boarding in the afternoon buses in front of the Richmond School, students should board the first bus in line until it is filled, then the second bus should be filled, and so on.
b.) For Norwich students only—when the bus reaches the Marion Cross School in the afternoon, all middle and high school students will fill in the seats from the back of the bus forward, unless a seat has been assigned. The younger children will fill in from the front to the bus back.
Students loading and departing from the bus will do so from the front door of the bus. If the road must be crossed, students will cross at least 10 feet in FRONT of the bus, and use caution, even though the flashing lights are on.
All school rules are in effect on the school bus for transportation to and from any school or any school event.
Academic Discipline Procedures
Destruction and Theft of Property
Destruction and Theft of Property
Accidental Destruction of Property Resulting from Immature Behavior
- A schedule-up of a type and length to be determined by the administration according to the nature of the offense.
- The student will pay all direct costs to the school district associated with replacement and repair of the damage.
Deliberate Destruction of Property
- An immediate suspension of up to 3 days and upon return, a schedule-up to last up to the remainder of the school year.
- The student will pay all direct costs to the school district associated with replacement and repair of the damage. In addition, the student will undertake a work program as directed by the administration.
Defacing School Assessments
If a student defaces a school assessment, it will be at the administration’s discretion to decide a punishment of a 5-day schedule up to a 2-day suspension.
- Suspension of up to 3 days.
- Schedule-up to last a minimum of 15 school days.
- The information may be reported to the Hanover Police Department for disposition based on the nature of the incident and the dollar value of the theft.
Schedule Up
Schedule-up is a school-based consequence that may be employed when a student violates unscheduled time or one of several rules stated in the Handbook including, but not limited to, tardiness and class cuts. Schedule-up means that for a period of time the student loses the free choice of where to go during their unscheduled time.
Usually, the student works out a schedule with the adult in charge. The schedule-up specifies the following:
- The student spends unscheduled time in adult supervised work spaces;
- If schedule up is issued for a class related issue, such as attendance, the teacher of the class can offer a mutual free time and supervise to make up for the class time missed by the student.
- On all other occasions, including for class related issues if there is not a time convenient for the teacher, schedule-ups will be served in the office during universal free times like lunch and activity period under the supervision of an administrator.
- Failure to attend a required period, excessive lateness, or repeated behavior could result in in-school suspension as the next level consequence.
Co-Curricular Discipline Procedures
Alcohol and Other Prohibited Substances Procedure
Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
Dresden School Board Policy JICH
Alcohol and Other Prohibited Drugs Procedure
In accordance with the Dresden School District Policy, Hanover High School makes a commitment to the health and well-being of its students. Only in an environment that is free of alcohol and other drugs can students reach their potential in academics and extracurricular activities. Hanover High School will create a climate in which students can seek help concerning their own use or another’s use of alcohol and other drugs. Each individual in the community has a responsibility to themselves and to others to keep Hanover High School an environment free of alcohol and other drugs.
Guidelines, Procedures, Support & Referral System
1. Definitions
This policy refers to alcohol, non-prescribed restricted drugs, and illegal drugs.
2. Support and Referral System
Student Assistance Team: The Student Assistance Team responds to referrals from the administration, from staff, and from students. All referrals are confidential.
Membership: The team is a subcommittee of the Pupil Services Team and consists of a student assistance counselor, guidance counselor, and school nurse. Within the legal confines of confidentiality, the team may include student members. Team members have special training in substance use/abuse. The team does not label or diagnose.
The role of the team is to:
a. Receive data (reports from teachers, counselors, administrators, other school employees);
b. Assess whether a student's involvement with substances is affecting their school performance or behavior;
whether the involvement is experimental or chronic;
whether the student is affected by a family member's substance use.
c. Determine whether there is sufficient information to develop an action plan or whether the situation should be monitored;
d. Assist with in-school interventions if indicated;
e. Participate in referrals to community agencies for further assessment/treatment.
f. Support students returning to school from inpatient treatment facilities.
g. Make recommendations and advocate on a student’s behalf with the administration.
3. Procedures
The administration follows up all alcohol and drug violations with a referral to the Student Assistance Team.
a. The team keeps written records of all referrals. These records are confidential and privileged.
b. The team reviews the circumstances of the violation and determines whether a meeting with the student is appropriate and who should be involved.
c. The team may recommend that a student meet with a team member for education and evaluation. This is similar to the procedure outlined in the Athletic Training Rules and may be required in addition to administrative consequences such as a suspension or schedule-up.
d. The team may refer a student for further assessment/evaluation to a community agency or to a certified alcohol counselor. Whenever possible, the team works with the parents when further assessment or treatment is indicated.
e. In cases of repeat offenses, the team may recommend to the administration that outside assessment be requested in addition to the administrative consequences imposed.
f. When there is clear evidence that a student is becoming a danger to self or to others because of their substance use, the Student Assistance Team has an obligation to notify the parents. Whenever possible, this is done in conjunction with the student.
4. Suspected Use
Any member of the school community concerned that a student is harmfully involved with alcohol or other drugs can make a referral to the Student Assistance Team. All referrals are confidential.
5. Self-referral
When a student recognizes that they have a problem with alcohol and/or with other drugs and chooses to do something about this problem, the school will cooperate as fully as possible with the students. No disciplinary sanctions will be imposed provided the following conditions are met:
There is no immediate or apparent threat of harm to self or to others.
The student is self-referred and not “caught” in violation of school or legal policies.
A student under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs will be allowed one opportunity to self-refer to a guidance counselor or nurse without disciplinary sanctions.
6. Students in Recovery
Students who go into treatment will be encouraged to remain enrolled in school. The school is not financially responsible for a student’s education while he/she is in treatment. The student’s guidance counselor will:
- Obtain written releases to discuss an educational plan with the appropriate person at the treatment facility.
- When appropriate, ensure that the student receives the necessary assignments and materials.
- Ensure, when appropriate, that the student receives credit for education efforts made while in treatment.
- Obtain written releases to discuss aftercare plans and how to support a student’s decision not to use.
7. Cooperative Agreement with Treatment Agencies/Providers
The District will work to establish a written referral agreement with a New Hampshire and a Vermont treatment agency. Contacts with other providers will also be made as needed. The agreement will specify referral and intake procedures, financial obligations of parents and the school, confidentiality of information, etc.
Violations and Consequences
These regulations apply whenever school is in session and when students are engaged in school- sanctioned activities on school property or on other sites.
A student is considered in violation of the school district’s policy on alcohol and other drugs if they is:
- In possession of alcohol or drugs;
- In possession of paraphernalia associated reasonably with illegal drug use.
- Distributing alcohol or drugs;
- Selling alcohol or drugs;
- Under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- In the act of using alcohol or drugs;
- Knowingly in the presence of students in the act of possessing, distributing, selling, or using alcohol or drugs, except when it is clear that the student’s presence is for the purpose of intervening for safety reasons or against another’s use of alcohol and/or other drugs.
Consequences for Violations
1. Selling (attempted or actual):
- Suspension up to ten school days.
- Notification of police.
- Notification of parents or guardians.
- Notification of Superintendent - possible expulsion
- Schedule-up for the remainder of the school year
- Referral to the Student Assistance Team.
2. Possession of alcohol or drugs, using, consuming, distributing (not for sale), or under the influence of drugs or alcohol:
- Suspension of up to five school days.
- Notification of police.
- Notification of parents or guardians.
- Schedule-up for the remainder of the school year. (Note: An underclass student may be scheduled-up into the next school year if the infraction is near the end of the year.)
- Referral to the Student Assistance Team.
3. Being knowingly in the presence of drugs or alcohol, but not involved with any of the above infractions:
- Schedule-up for 15 days
- Notification of parents or guardians.
- Referral to the Student Assistance Team
4. Items (e.g. tools, paraphernalia) that can be associated reasonably with illegal drug use, but which show no evidence of drugs having been used, will be confiscated. The student in possession will be referred to the Student Assistance Team. Parents will be notified.
Procedures for Handling Incidents
All personnel are required to report actual or suspected incidents of possessing, distributing, using or consuming to the Principal, or his/her designee, i.e. the adult in charge. The identified student might be required to answer questions and/or undergo an evaluation to determine whether or not substances have been consumed or further action is necessary.
Student Discipline and Due Process
Personal Safety Hanover High School Procedures
Regulation: JGF-R Hanover High School Procedures
Students and staff of Hanover High School have a right to feel safe. Physical or verbal intimidation, bullying, verbal abuse, fighting, harassment, hazing, or physical assault of a student or of an adult will not be tolerated. Adult staff shall intervene if they observe or know about behavior that is harmful/hurtful to another student or adult and shall report the behavior to an administrator. Students who have observed such acts or who have been victimized themselves are expected to inform an adult staff member as soon as possible.
Hanover High School students are members of a school community. School responses to violent acts are designed to help students understand that:
- As a community standard, violence and abusive language or behaviors are not acceptable;
- Their behaviors in school are public and as such affect others;
- There are alternatives to violence for resolving interpersonal conflicts.
When a student violates the district policy on personal safety, the school administration, parents and counselors/advisors will work together to reinforce these messages to an offending student. Violations of the policy by a staff member will be handled by the Principal in conjunction with the superintendent according to district personnel guidelines.
Any student victimized by another student will be encouraged to meet with a school counselor. The purpose of this meeting is to 1) review with the student their perception of the incident and possible responses, and 2) help the student move beyond the role of victim.
When appropriate, a counselor and/or Principal will meet with the perpetrator and the victim. Depending on the incident, this meeting may be an opportunity for the victim to describe the impact of the perpetrator’s behavior, for the perpetrator to apologize and to assure the victim the offending behavior will stop, and ultimately to promote better understanding between both students. Depending on the severity of the incident, the Principal will determine whether to:
- Remove the student(s) from regular school activities for the remainder of the school day and/or while the incident is investigated;
- Contact the student’s parents;
- Contact police;
- Refer the student to a school counselor, school mediation, or school counseling group.
Once the incident has been investigated, the Principal will determine the school consequences based on the guidelines below. Incidents that result in suspension or expulsion must be included in the student’s file as required by NH law. Students’ rights to due process and to privacy will be respected. The student may appeal any administrative decision to the Council’s Judiciary Committee. Suspension for violation of the safe schools policy means the student may not participate in any extracurricular activity scheduled during that time.
Verbal Intimidation, Verbal Abuse, Bullying
A student who verbally intimidates, verbally abuses, or bullies another student or adult must meet with the Principal or a designee. The Principal or designee will determine whether to issue a written warning.
If the student continues the offensive behavior, parents will be notified. School consequences may include removal from class to schedule-up to suspension. This procedure also applies to verbal intimidation via e-mail.
The minimum school response for bullying (physical, verbal, emotional, cyber) is a 1-day suspension.
Bullying: Bullying is hereby defined as a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communications, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another pupil which:
Physically harms a pupil or damages the pupil's property;
Causes emotional distress to a pupil;
Interferes with a pupil's educational opportunities;
Creates a hostile educational environment; or
Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school
In accordance with RSA 193-F:4, the District reserves the right to address bullying and, if necessary, impose discipline for bullying that:
Occurs on, or is delivered to, school property or a school-sponsored activity or event on or off school property; or
Occurs off school property or outside of a school sponsored activity or event, if the conduct interferes with a pupil's educational opportunities or substantially disrupts the orderly operations of the school or school-sponsored event.
It is important to note that the Student Handbook state that the minimum school response for bullying (physical, verbal, emotional, cyber) is a 1-day suspension. Other consequences for Bullying are outlined in the Student Handbook Bullying policy.
Please reference policy JICK
Any action that is meant to humiliate, ridicule, harass, or degrade another student, such as when an older/upper class student(s) intentionally demeans a younger student(s), will be considered hazing. Hazing, verbal or physical, infringes on a student’s right to feel safe at school.
The response to hazing may be the same as the response to verbal or physical bullying. In certain cases, hazing may be a violation of law (NH Statute 631:7) and must be reported to the police.
Physical Intimidation/Bullying
A student who physically intimidates, threatens, or bullies another student must meet with a Principal or a designee. The minimum school response will be a formal warning and notification of parents. Responses may include restrictions on the perpetrator’s unscheduled time and on places in the school where the perpetrator may be present.
If the behavior occurs subsequent to formal warning, the school response will be suspension for a minimum of one day following the day of the incident and schedule-up for a minimum of ten school days following return to school.
Physical Assault
Physical Assault includes fighting (mutual combat), unprivileged physical contact with no visible or suspected bodily injury, and assault causing visible or suspected bodily injury.
In the case where one student is assaulted by another student or by a group, the school nurse will determine if immediate medical attention is required. If medical attention is not required, the students involved will be held under the direct supervision of school adults.
Consequences: The Principal will contact parents and the police in all cases of physical assault except when the Principal determines the incident was minor and the assaulting behavior did not result in visible or suspected bodily injury (to be determined in consultation with the school nurse.) In a minor incident, the Principal has the discretion of contacting parents only. When the police are not contacted, parents will be advised that they have the option of reporting the incident to the police.
The consequences for physical assault range from a formal warning, restriction on places in the school where the perpetrator may be present, and schedule-up to suspension (one to ten days) or expulsion. Upon return after suspension, the assaulter will have unscheduled time restricted for a minimum of 30 school days.
Return to School After Suspension
Any student suspended from school for violation of the safe schools policy must participate in a reentry process as a condition for returning to school. This process will include:
A meeting of the student, their parent(s), and the Principal or designee.
The student’s agreeing in a written contract not to engage in verbal or physical violence and not to repeat any offending behavior(s). The contract may include an agreement to stay away from the other student(s) involved. The contract will remain in effect with the school administration during the remainder of the student’s enrollment at Hanover High School. Consequences for violation of this agreement will be specified in the contract. If the student refuses or indicates that they are not ready to sign this contract, parents will be asked to take the student home. Once the student agrees to this contract, they may return to school.
A meeting with their counselor. If the counselor finds the student unable to participate satisfactorily in this conversation, the counselor may a) refer the student to the school psychologist for further assistance with anger management, impulse control, values clarification, etc., or b) may return the case to the administration if the student is unwilling to cooperate.
Effective: 29 April 1997
Dresden School Board Policy ACAA-R
Adopted December 15, 2020