1. Community Service Events
Youth-in-Action is for everyone! In the fall of 2024 YIA has removed invasive plants in Pine Park, painted faces at the fall Hoofin' It For Hay run, had a Halloween blast with youth and families at the NorWitchy celebration, assisted with registration for the fall Red Cross Blood Drive, baked pies for senior citizens, and donated 330 pounds of food to the Haven. Students can learn about upcoming events by checking the YIA Sign Up, checking the bulletin board across from the library, reading the Principal's Weekly, or by asking a student leadership committee (SLC) member.
Student Leadership Committee
Our Student Leadership Committee (SLC) is currently comprised of fifteen students who have shown a commitment to community service. These students help run the organization, making decisions about activities, recruitment, fundraising, and marketing. Each community activity is led by two students and supported by two adult co-directors. Learn more about YIA.