Senior Portraits are at the beginning of the yearbook and are head shots arranged in alphabetical order by last name. Your School ID photo will be your senior portrait photo unless you submit a new photo.
What do most seniors do?
It depends--about half of seniors use their ID photo and the other half submit a different photo. Some seniors have professional photos taken by a photographer, some have a friend or classmate take their photo. The photos are as formal or informal as you'd like. There's always a range of photos submitted. Typically photos are taken from the shoulders or chest up, but it's not a requirement.
To submit a photo
Log into your Class of 2024 Schoology course and upload your photo or email a copy of your senior portrait to ms. eakin. If you have a photographer taking the photo, they can send the photo--just be sure your name is included and that the file is either a jpg or png. ( Printed photos are typically 1 inch by 1.5 inches, or something similar.